So here goes the list of words for each sign:
- Creation
- Fall
- Flood
- Nations
- 4000 years (ago)
- Ur
- Persian Gulf
- S.A.L.T. = Sarah, Abraham, Lot, Terah
- Euphrates, Tigris
- Haran
- Terah dies
- Sea of Galilee
- Jordan River
- Dead Sea
- Mediterranean
- Israel
- Ishmael
- Isac
- Esau
- Jacob
- Joseph - Egypt
- Jews - Egypt
- Bondage - 400 years
- Moses
- "Let my people go." "No!"
- Ten plagues
- Passover
- Red sea
- Mount Sinai
- Law
- Tabernacle
- Levites and priests
- Offerings and feasts
- Counting the faces
- Kadesh-oasis
- Twelve spies
- Wanders dies
- Moab
- Moses - second law - dies
- Joshua
- Jordan
- Jericho
- Divide - conquer
- North- South
- Divide - Settle
- Twelve tribes
- Judges - 400 years
- Deborah
- Gideon
- Samson
- "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes except Ruth and Samuel"
- United Kingdom - 120 years
- Saul - no heart
- David - whole heart
- Salomon - half heart
- Divided kingdom - 400 years
- North - South
- Israel - Judah
- 19 - 20 (kings)
- 0 - 8 (kings that followed God)
- Prophets speak: "Shape up or ship out"
- Assyria - Israel
- Scattered
- Babylonia - Judah
- Exile - 70 years
- Persia - Judah
- Return
- Zorobabel
- Temple
- Esther
- Queen
- Ezra
- People
- Nehemiah
- Walls
- 400 years - Silence
- Christ
- The rock Moses hit symbolized Jesus, who died for us once. Therefore when Moses hit the rock a second time, instead of only talking to it for water to come out, he was actually hurting Jesus a second time, which did not happen, because Jesus died only once and was resurrected. As Moses disobeyed God and messed up His typology, he was prohibited of entering Canaan.
- Did Moses ever enter the land of Canaan? Yes, at the Mount of transfiguration.
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