9 de abr. de 2008

Walk through the Old Testament

Last Saturday I went to the Walk throug the Bible Seminar - Old Testament at Dix Hills Evangelical Free Church from 9am-4pm. It was a BLESS! We learned 77 signs that walks us through the whole story of the Old Testament. Take a peak of the signs by watching the video below:

So here goes the list of words for each sign:
  1. Creation
  2. Fall
  3. Flood
  4. Nations
  5. 4000 years (ago)
  6. Ur
  7. Persian Gulf
  8. S.A.L.T. = Sarah, Abraham, Lot, Terah
  9. Euphrates, Tigris
  10. Haran
  11. Terah dies
  12. Sea of Galilee
  13. Jordan River
  14. Dead Sea
  15. Mediterranean
  16. Israel
  17. Ishmael
  18. Isac
  19. Esau
  20. Jacob
  21. Joseph - Egypt
  22. Jews - Egypt
  23. Bondage - 400 years
  24. Moses
  25. "Let my people go." "No!"
  26. Ten plagues
  27. Passover
  28. Red sea
  29. Mount Sinai
  30. Law
  31. Tabernacle
  32. Levites and priests
  33. Offerings and feasts
  34. Counting the faces
  35. Kadesh-oasis
  36. Twelve spies
  37. Wanders dies
  38. Moab
  39. Moses - second law - dies
  40. Joshua
  41. Jordan
  42. Jericho
  43. Divide - conquer
  44. North- South
  45. Divide - Settle
  46. Twelve tribes
  47. Judges - 400 years
  48. Deborah
  49. Gideon
  50. Samson
  51. "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes except Ruth and Samuel"
  52. United Kingdom - 120 years
  53. Saul - no heart
  54. David - whole heart
  55. Salomon - half heart
  56. Divided kingdom - 400 years
  57. North - South
  58. Israel - Judah
  59. 19 - 20 (kings)
  60. 0 - 8 (kings that followed God)
  61. Prophets speak: "Shape up or ship out"
  62. Assyria - Israel
  63. Scattered
  64. Babylonia - Judah
  65. Exile - 70 years
  66. Persia - Judah
  67. Return
  68. Zorobabel
  69. Temple
  70. Esther
  71. Queen
  72. Ezra
  73. People
  74. Nehemiah
  75. Walls
  76. 400 years - Silence
  77. Christ
Some other things I learned:

  • The rock Moses hit symbolized Jesus, who died for us once. Therefore when Moses hit the rock a second time, instead of only talking to it for water to come out, he was actually hurting Jesus a second time, which did not happen, because Jesus died only once and was resurrected. As Moses disobeyed God and messed up His typology, he was prohibited of entering Canaan.
  • Did Moses ever enter the land of Canaan? Yes, at the Mount of transfiguration.

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