Possible future family for 2nd year
Mother First Name: Sheila
Father First Name: David
Information About The Host Family
Mother Occupation: Event Marketing
Father Occupation: Advertising
Closest City/Driving Time: New York City/ 30 minutes
Pets: Yes - Dogs
Food Habits: Regular food habits-
Religion: Catholic
Attend Services: Attend Occasionally
Type of Driver Needed: Driv. 1 year+
Interests: We have a beautiful local park and playground that we visit often. We love the beach and go to the ocean frequently in the summer.
Children In The Host Family
Katherine - Female - Dec 20, 1998 - 6 yrs and 4 months
Quinn - Male Dec 30, 2001 - 3 yrs and 4 months
Talvez essa sera minha futura familia. Gostei do fato de eles morarem mais perto de NYC. Tambem gostei de ter uma menina, to meio enjoada de ficar com meninos...ai, ai, ai. O bicho disgusting! Gostei da idade das criancas e espero que o mais novo naum seja muito mimado. Espero que as acomodacoes sejam boas tb e que eles me deem uma chance de aprender a dirigir carro automatico e tirar minha carta aqui. Ainda naum conversei com eles. Essas informacoes obtive na net. To esperando...as expectativas sao grandes, mas to com o pe no chao pq ja sei tudo de ruim que pode acontecer...quase tudo...
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