31 de out. de 2008
A pessoa errada - Luis Fernando Veríssimo
Pensando bem, em tudo o que a gente vê, e vivencia, e ouve e pensa, não existe uma pessoa certa pra gente.
Existe uma pessoa, que se você for parar pra pensar, é na verdade, a pessoa errada.
Porque a pessoa certa faz tudo certinho: chega na hora certa, fala as coisas certas, faz as coisas certas.
Mas nem sempre precisamos das coisas certas. Aí é a hora de procurar a pessoa errada.
A pessoa errada te faz perder a cabeça, fazer loucuras, perder a hora, morrer de amor.
A pessoa errada vai ficar um dia sem te procurar, que é para na hora que vocês se encontrarem a entrega seja muito mais verdadeira.
A pessoa errada, é na verdade, aquilo que a gente chama de pessoa certa.
Essa pessoa vai te fazer chorar, mas uma hora depois vai estar enxugando suas lagrimas, essa pessoa vai tirar seu sono, mas vai te dar em troca uma inesquecível noite de amor.
Essa pessoa pode não estar 100% do tempo ao seu lado, mas vai estar toda a vida esperando você.
A pessoa errada tem que aparecer para todo mundo, porque a vida não é certa, nada aqui é certo.
O certo mesmo é que temos que viver cada momento, cada segundo amando, sorrindo, chorando, pensando, agindo, querendo e conseguindo.
Só assim, é possível chegar aquele momento do dia em que a gente diz: "Graças a Deus, deu tudo certo!", quando na verdade, tudo o que Ele quer, é que a gente encontre a pessoa errada, Para que as coisas comecem a realmente funcionar direito prá gente.
Nossa missão: Compreender o universo de cada ser humano, respeitar as diferenças, brindar as descobertas, buscar a evolução.
27 de out. de 2008
Áudio: Eu pregando no culto de jovens
Dia 8 de Agosto de 2008, tive o privilégio de pregar no culto de jovens da minha igreja, a Sexta Jovem. Preguei em Daniel capítulo 3, na história dos amigos de Daniel na fornalha ardente. Fiz um paralelo com os testemunhos de mártires do livro Jesus Freaks por DC Talk.
O título que dei à essa mensagem foi: 'Como dizer não aos "ídolos" desse mundo?'. Analizando as atitudes dos amigos de Daniel diante da escolha de negar a fé deles ou morrer, aprendemos 3 lições para estarmos prontos pra dizer não aos "ídolos" desse mundo:
1) Conheça a Palavra de Deus
2) Abra mão dos seus direitos
3) Tenha fé no Deus que é, independente do que Ele pode fazer
Ouça o áudio da pregação completa abaixo:
Deus abençoe você!
24 de out. de 2008
Thiago e Pôni - Ministério CEIFA
Thiago e Pôni são missionários do Ministério CEIFA da JOCUM. Eu tive o privilégio de conhecê-los em Junho desse ano, quando eles deram um workshop de Teatro em nossa igreja, nos ajudando a iniciar o Ministério Faces. E mais do que somente ensinar Pantomima, eles nos ensinaram, com seu testemunho de vida, a sermos cada dia mais parecidos com Jesus. Aprendi a admirá-los e amá-los no pouco tempo que passamos juntos! Casal DEZ!
Agora eles estão levando as Boas Novas de salvação à vários países na Ásia.
Abaixo está um vídeo que mostra um pouco do trabalho que está sendo desenvolvido.
Orem por esse casal!
1 Vídeo Projeto Ásia 2008 from Thiago, Pôni e Asaf on Vimeo.
15 de out. de 2008
13 de out. de 2008
Vila do Louvor
A galera é gente boa pra caramba e super compromissados com Deus. Um dos objetivos deles têm sido trazer de volta ao Brasil o ritmo/som brasileiro no louvor e adoração, e tirar um pouco a influência americana de rock e tal. Eles pensam que Deus deu pra cada cultura um jeito singular de adorá-Lo e isso deve ser mantido. Mas eles tocam de tudo.
O Vila do Louvor tem cds gravados com parceria com o Vineyard music, já tenho no meu Ipod o CD deles, um som MPB cristão muito abençoado e bem brasileiro!
A base da JOCUM que eles estão fica em Piratininga, SP. Aqui vai o website: http://viladolouvor.org
Beto Tavares é ministro de louvor, missionário de JOCUM desde 1988. Ele lidera o ministério de JOCUM chamado Vila do Louvor, que tem o alvo de recrutar, equipar e enviar ministros de louvor, músicos e artistas cristãos dos diversos campos das artes, para que, através desta ferramenta, levem a mensagem do amor de Deus às nações do mundo e discipulando as nações, causando um impacto na sociedade.
Beto tem viajado pelo Brasil e diversas nações, divulgando a visão missionária do louvor, e ensinando em igrejas e escolas de JOCUM. Como cantor, Beto tem 4 CDs lançados, o primeiro, "Fogo", foi gravado em Atlanta e lançado no Brasil em 1997. O segundo, "Sede", lançado em 2001. O CD “Venho me Entregar” foi feito em 2003, em parceria com a Oitava Igreja Presbiteriana de Belo Horizonte, de onde é membro. Seu último lançamento, “Mover” foi lançado no início de Outubro de 2005.
Tem sido parceiro do ministério Vineyard no Brasil desde sua implantação, tendo participação em diversos CDs, como cantor e compositor, além de ter realizado versões de boa parte das músicas da Vineyard Music Brasil lançadas em português. Também está envolvido com o movimento Adoração e Adoradores, liderado pelos pastores e ministros de louvor Massao Suguihara e Asaph Borba, além da participação de outros grandes líderes de louvor do Brasil, com o apoio da Integrity Music.
Beto é casado com Raquel e tem uma filhinha, Nicole de 5 anos.
10 de out. de 2008
Sample Wedding Vows
I, _____, take you, ______, to be my wedded wife. With deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. As is Christ to His body, the church, so I will be to you a loving and faithful husband. Always will I perform my headship over you even as Christ does over me, knowing that His Lordship is one of the holiest desires for my life. I promise you my deepest love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care. I promise I will live first unto God rather than others or even you. I promise that I will lead our lives into a life of faith and hope in Christ Jesus. Ever honoring God's guidance by His spirit through the Word, And so throughout life, no matter what may lie ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful husband.
I, _____, take you, ______, to be my wedded husband. With deepest joy I come into my new life with you. As you have pledged to me your life and love, so I too happily give you my life, and in confidence submit myself to your headship as to the Lord. As is the church in her relationship to Christ, so I will be to you. _____, I will live first unto our God and then unto you, loving you, obeying you, caring for you and ever seeking to please you. God has prepared me for you and so I will ever strengthen, help, comfort, and encourage you. Therefore, throughout life, no matter what may be ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as an obedient and faithful wife.
Sample Two
I love you, _____, and I know that God has ordained this love. Because of this I desire to be your husband. Together we will be vessels for His service in accordance with His plan, so that in all areas of our life Christ will have the pre-eminence. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to love, guide, and protect you as Christ does His Church, and as long as we both are alive. According to Ephesians 5 and with His enabling power, I promise to endeavor to show to you the same kind of love as Christ showed the Church when He died for her, and to love you as a part of myself because in His sight we shall be one.
I love you, ____ and I know that you love me. Because of this I desire to be your wife. For _ years I have prayed that God would lead me to His choice and I am confident that His will is being fulfilled tonight. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future I promise to be faithful to you. I will love, serve, and obey you as long as we both are alive. Christ told us that the wife must submit herself unto her own husband as unto the Lord. For as Christ is Head of His Church so is the husband head of his wife. _____, I submit myself to you.
Sample Three
I _____, take you ______, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
I, _____, take you ______, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
Sample Four
_____, we read in Genesis, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife," and in Proverbs "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing." He has ordained that the husband be the head of the wife. He instructs me, as the one who will be your husband, to love you as Christ loves the Church. It is my desire and delight to follow this scriptural teaching. With all my heart, I make this pledge to you.
______, the Lord instructs me as the one who will be your wife to submit to you as unto Him. Our Father created woman to be man's helper. It is my desire and delight to follow this scriptural teaching. With all my heart I make this pledge to you.
Sample Five
______, I love you. Today is a very special day. Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer. This day like a dream come true the Lord Himself has answered that prayer. For today, ______, you as my joy become my crown. I thank Jesus for the honor of going through time with you. Thank you for being what you are to me. With our future as bright as the promises of God, I will care for you, honor and protect you. I lay down my life for you, _____, my friend and my love. Today I give to you me.
______, I love you and I know you love me. I am confident that God has chosen you to be my husband. It is my prayer and desire that you will find in me the helpmeet God designed especially for you, and in confidence I will submit myself unto your headship as unto our Lord. Therefore, _____, I pledge to you my life as an obedient, faithful and loving wife. Whither thou goest I will go, whither thou lodgest I will lodge, Thy people shall be my people, And thy God my God.
Sample Six
______, I love you and I know that this love is from God. Because of this, I want to be your husband so that we might serve Christ together. Through all of the uncertainties and trials of the present and future, I promise to be faithful to you and love you. I promise to guide and protect you as Christ does his church, as long as we both shall live. God's Word gives us the perfect example of this love in Christ's death for the Church. I shall try always, with God's help, to show you this same kind of love, for I know that in His sight we will both be one.
______, I love you. I prayed that God would lead me to his choice. I praise Him that tonight His will is being fulfilled. Through the pressures of the present and uncertainties of the future I promise my faithfulness, to follow you through all of life's experiences as you follow God, that together we may grow in the likeness of Christ and our home be a praise to Him.
Sample Seven
______, as we stand before both God and man, making public our commitment to one another, I wish to make it known that I recognize first of all God's authority over my life which is exercised from His loving heart. He has chosen me to be one of his own, and He is now my life. I recognize also that He has blessed me and entrusted to me your life as a free gift that I have not earned. In recognition of these things, ____ I purpose to love you with His love, to provide for your needs through His enablement, and to lead you as He leads me, as long as He give us life together, regardless of the circumstances. As Psalm 34:3 expressed my heart when I asked you to marry me, so it expresses my heart now: "O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together."
On this special day, _____, I am reminded of the verse James 1:17 which says, "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." With a gift such as you, I know that many new responsibilities face me. In I Corinthians, it explains "It is required of a steward to be found trustworthy." I cannot do this on my own strength, _______, but by God's grace and power working within me I desire to be trustworthy as your wife by following your leading submissively, even as unto Christ, loving and serving you in all circumstances as long as He give me life on this earth.
Sample Eight
______, I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. I choose you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.
______, I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. I choose you to be my husband: to have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer for poorer; in sickness and in health; to have and to cherish, as long as we both shall live. And hereto, I pledge you my faithfulness to show to you the same kind of love as Christ showed the Church when He died for her, and to love you as a part of myself because in His sight we shall be one.
Sample Nine
I, ______, take you _____ to be my wife, before God who brought us together; to love and cherish you even as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it, to lead you and share all of life's experiences with you by following God through them. That through His grace, ____, we might grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
And with this ring, I, ____, take you, _____. to be my husband, before God who brought us together, to love you, cherish you, to submit myself unto you in all things, and to follow you through all of life's experiences as you follow God. That through His grace we might grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Sample Ten
I, ______, take you ______, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, or the Lord comes for His own, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
(The Minister will quietly suggest they loose hands; then
The Woman with her right hand will take the right hand of the Man and repeat).
I, _____, take you ______, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love land to cherish, till death do us part, or the Lord comes for His own, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
Sample Eleven
I ______, in faith, honesty and love, take you, ______, to be my wedded wife, to share with you God's plan for our lives together united in Christ. And with God's help, to strengthen and guide me I will be a strong spiritual leader for us in our life, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do we part. I give you all that I have myself and my love. (All these things I pledge to thee) In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. With this ring I seal my vow of love to you, ______and pray I may fulfill God's place in our home, in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Sample Twelve
I love you, ______, and I thank the Lord for the love that has bound our hearts and lives together in spiritual fellowship of marriage. I will love, honor and cherish you always. As we enter upon the privileges and joys of life's most holy relationship, and begin together the great adventure of building a Christian home, I will look to Christ as Head of our home as I have looked to Him as Head of the Church. I will love you in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in sorrow as in joy, and will be true to you by God's grace, trusting in Him, so long as we both shall live.
I love you, ______, and I thank the Lord for the love that has bound our hearts and lives together in spiritual fellowship of marriage. I will love, honor, cherish and obey you always. As we enter upon the privileges and joys of life's most holy relationship and begin together the great adventure of building a Christian home, I will look to you as head of our home as I have looked to Christ as Head of the Church. I will love you in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in sorrow as in joy, and will be true to you by God's grace, trusting in Him, so long as we both shall live.
Sample Thirteen
(sample of personally written vows)
______, as we stand before both God and man making public our commitment to one another, I wish to make it known that I recognize God's authority over my life which is exercised from His loving heart . He has chosen me to be one of His own, and has since been my life. I recognize also that He has blessed me, and entrusted to me your life as an unearned gift. In recognition of these things, I, _____, take you, _____, to be my wife. I purpose to love you with His love, to provide for your needs through His enablement, and to lead you as He leads me, as long as He gives me life, regardless of circumstances. ______, I look forward to establishing a home where Christ is glorified. Toward that end I promise to allow God to use you in my life as He sees best in building me into His person. I thank Him for your love and friendship.
I ______, take you, ______, to be my husband. With the greatest joy I come into my new life with you. Today I am reminded of James l:17 which says "Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." Besides the gift of salvation, you are the most precious gift God has given me. I know that along with the new joys God has given me, I face new responsibilities that I cannot fulfill in my own strength. But by God's grace and power working within me, I desire to be trustworthy as your wife, to serve and love you in all circumstances, to obey you, to allow God to use you to build His qualities in me, as long as God give us life on this earth. I praise God continually for you, ______, and for your love and friendship.
NOTE: My favorite vows: One, Two, Five, Six and Seven.................................
Special thanks,
To my dear friend Marcelo Naconeski, who sent these vows to me so I can practice...hehehe...May we both practice, for God is faithful to fulfill our dreams!
9 de out. de 2008
J Moss - We Must praise
If I were a drummer, I would use my cymbal
Se eu fosse um baterista, eu usaria meu chimbal
If I were a writer, I would use a pencil
Se eu fosse um escritor, eu usaria meu lápis
I would use my voice, if I were a singer
Eu usaria minha voz, se eu fosse um cantor
No matter who or what we are, we must praise
Não importa quem ou o que somos, devemos adorar
If I was a doctor, I would use my research
Se eu fosse um médico, eu usaria minha pesquisa
A prolific dissertation, if I was a speaker
Uma dissertação prolífica, se eu fosse um preletor
I would use my hands, if I were a potter
Eu usaria minhas mãos, se eu fosse um oleiro
No matter who or what we are, we must praise
Não importa quem ou o que somos, devemos adorar
Let the people of God bless Him
Bendigam-no povo de Deus
Let it ring with love and truth
Entoando com amor e verdade
With our gifts we exalt Thee
Com nossos dons nós O exaltamos
Merciful, wonderful God
Misericordioso, maravilhoso Deus
We must praise
Devemos adorar
If I were an eagle, I would use my wings
Se eu fosse uma águia, eu usaria minhas asas
Since I'm a believer, I use everything
Como eu sou um crente, eu uso tudo
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord
Faça um barulho jubilante ao Senhor
All ye people
Todos os povos
No matter who or what we are, we must praise
Não importa quem ou o que somos, devemos adorar
Praise His Holy, Holy Name (X5)
Adore Seu Santo, Santo nome
With our gifts we exalt Thee
Com nossos dons nós O exaltamos
Merciful, wonderful God
Misericordioso, maravilhoso Deus
Oh Hallelujah, Oh glory, Oh holy of holies
Oh Aleluia, Oh glória, Oh Santo dos Santos
Oh Bread of life God, Oh meat of hunger Lord
Oh Deus pão da vida, oh Senhor que é alimento aos famintos
Water of thirst Lord, We magnify you
Senhor que é água ao sedento, Nós O magnificamos
We thank You for what You've done God
Nós te agradecemos pelo que Tens feito Deus
What You¹re doing God and what You're gonna do
Pelo que estais fazendo e vais fazer
No matter who or what we are, we must praise
Não importa quem ou o que somos, devemos adorar
1 de out. de 2008
Curso de liderança - Pr. Elias Dantas
- A tarefa da liderança cristã, de acordo com Atos 1:1 é continuar a obra que Jesus começou. Quando Jesus foi ao céu haviam apenas 500 cristãos, a obra só tinha começado.
- O líder cristão precisa liderar à partir do que ele é, ou seja, de dentro pra fora. Quem o líder é gera admiração, levando outros à seguí-lo.
- É um privilégio participar da edificação do povo que Deus comprou com o sangue de Jesus. Não há nada mais sublime.
- Ser líder do povo de Deus é ser servo. Se o caminho da salvação é estreito, o da liderança é mais estreito.
1) A visão: sem visão o povo perece
- A visão é evangelizar, uma igreja que não evangeliza fossiliza. A função da visão é dar o rumo.
- Uma igreja missionária paga para fazerem missões. Mas a igreja missional entende que já fomos enviados e missão nada mais é que o cruzamento da fronteira entre igreja e não-igreja. Todo relacionamento fora da igreja é um campo missionário. Todos na igreja são enviados ao mundo. (João 20:21)
- Enquanto existir incrédulos ali estará a nossa visão.
- A melhor definição: "visão é o futuro preferível para o povo". É preciso perguntar: Onde queremos que a igreja esteja em 10 anos?
[to be continued]